Xdebug can show a stack trace, dump even complex variables, track memory usage over time, and allow you to conduct an effective post-mortem when an error or crash occurs ( not if, but when). Xdebug可以显示堆栈跟踪,转储甚为复杂的变量,随时间跟踪内存使用量,并允许您在出错或崩溃时(不是如果,而是发生时)进行有效的事后分析。
We will see later how to pass around more complex variables like arrays and structures. 稍后我们将看到如何传送更复杂的变量,如数组和结构。
Another limitation of SOP is that it uses the toString() function to serialize the variables and therefore cannot be used for complex variables by default. SOP的另一限制是使用toString()函数将变量序列化,因此缺省情况下它不能用于复合变量。
Only complex variables need to be initialized. 只有复杂的变量需要初始化。
Applying complex variables, the usual forms of Hamilton equation and Schrodinger equation can be changed into a same form, etc. 引入复变数哈密顿方程和薛定谔方程可以变换为相同的形式。
Complex variables element-free Galerkin method for potential problems 势问题的复变量无单元Galerkin方法
Axiomatic Definition of ( Co) sine with Complex Variables; With a bit more effort, techies could also compute ratios, inverses, sines, cosines and tangents. 复变量正余弦函数的公理化(等价)定义如果再多花点功夫,这些科技高手还能算出比例、数、弦、弦和正切等值。
A Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem with Haseman Shift for Generalized Holomorphic Functions of Several Complex Variables 多复变广义全纯函数的一个带Haseman位移的非线性边值问题
The object of this thesis is to study the uniqueness problems of meromorphic functions and meromorphic mappings in several complex variables. 本文以多复变数的亚纯函数与亚纯映射的唯一性问题为研究对象。
Complex variables is not only a rather "beautiful" subject ( 1); 复变并不仅仅只是一个“优美”的题材(1);
Among many fundamental problems in Several Complex Variables is the biholomorphic equivalence problem for real submanifolds in a complex manifold. 在多复变的众多基本问题中,有一类重要的问题是实流形在复流形中的双全纯等价性。
The reproducing kernel particle method with complex variables is developed in this paper. 在重构核粒子法的基础上,提出了复变量重构核粒子法。
A set of basic fluid mechanical equations is developed by the theory of functions of complex variables. 利用复变函数的方法推导出相应的基本方程组。
And at the same time according to the heuristic information, we select more complex variables for quantification. 同时,利用启发式信息选择复杂度较高的节点变量进行量化,进一步减小二叉决策图(BDD)的内存要求。
This is an important topic in the function theory of several complex variables. Especially, there is an intimate relation between the Cauchy integrals and the singular integrals of several complex variables. 这是多复变函数论中一个很重要的课题,特别是Cauchy积分与多复变奇异积分有着十分紧密的联系。
Boundary Values and Duality of Some Spaces of Holomorphic Functions of Several Complex Variables 几个多复变数加权全纯函数空间的边界值与对偶性
On holomorphic support function and partition of unity in several complex variables 关于多复变数的全纯支撑函数和单位分解
On the Second Main Theorem and Uniqueness Theorem for Meromorphic Functions of Several Complex Variables 多复变量亚纯函数的第二基本定理和唯一性定理
In this thesis, the static ant-plane crack problems of an infinite piezoelectric materials are investigated by using complex variables method on the basis of linear macroscopic theory of piezoelectric materials. 本文是在压电材料线性宏观理论下,主要运用复变函数理论研究了无限大压电材料中静态反平面裂纹问题。
By the use of the method of complex variables and the method of integral equation, the crack problem for the antiplane multiple holes on a circular region of a solid is studied and is presented in this paper. 本文运用复变函数及积分方程方法,求解了圆形域多圆孔多裂纹反平面问题,建立了两种类型的基本解。
A Conjecture on Several Complex Number Hurwitz Theorem for Several Complex Variables 多复变数中的一个猜测多复变情形的Hurwitz定理
The application of complex variables to general mechanics 复变量在一般力学中的应用
The moving least-square approximation with complex variables ( MLSCV) is developed on the basis of moving least-square approximation. 在移动最小二乘法的基础上,提出了复变量移动最小二乘法。
Two-dimensional flow was dealt with using the method of functions of complex variables. 运用复变函数论方法处理了二维流动。
In this paper, we will discuss some equivalent characterizations of mixed norm space, Dirichlet type space, Bloch type space in several complex variables and obtain a series of sufficient and necessary conditions. 本文讨论了多复变中混合赋范空间、Dirichlet型空间、Bloch型空间等全纯函数空间的一些等价刻画,获得了一系列充要条件。
The Cauchy Integral of Many Complex Variables, Passive Operators and Multidimensional Dispersion Relations 多复变Cauchy积分和被动算子与多重色散关系
Therefore, computation of the Bergman kernel function by explicit formula is an important research direction in several complex variables. 因此,如何求Bergman核函数的显表达式一直是多复变函数论的一个重要的研究方向,至今仍吸引着许多数学家对此进行研究。
The theory of complex variables methods and multi-polar coordinate systems are used to solve the problem of scatter and dynamic stress concentration of elastic waves around double elliptic cavities in saturated soil. 利用复变函数法和多极坐标法,研究了饱和土中弹性波在双椭圆孔洞周围的散射及动应力集中的问题。
The Equations in Complex Variables under Axial Symmetric Loads and their Asymptotic Solutions 圆环壳在承受轴对称载荷时的复变量方程和渐近解法
Uniqueness Theory of Meromorphic Functions of One or Several Complex Variables 单或多复变亚纯函数的唯一性理论